Meet the team: Research Team

Adei Institute of Technology
2 min readSep 14, 2018


Our impressive Research Team has undertaken the critical effort of conducting a scan of the Technology Landscape in Côte d’Ivoire, under the guidance of Board Director Mary Rauner, PhD, Senior Research Associate in Education at WestEd, and the expert contribution (pro bono) and field presence of Axelle Kadio-Morokro, Analytics and Market Research expert, Managing Director of Afriveille Data Intelligence and formerly Lead of Market Research and Business Intelligence at MTN. Also instrumental to this effort, are our dynamic team members Dramane Meite, Statistics Engineer in Economics, Finance and Actuarial Science, as well as MBA candidate at Stanford University, who also brings knowledge of the Technology space in Côte d’Ivoire, along with Nana Amoakohene Project Management expert and Technology Consultant at Deloitte.

Mary Rauner, PhD
Dramane Meite
Axelle Kadio-Morokro
Nana Amoakohene

